Students’ faces loom large through perforated metal on school’s façade
The new Moving Everest Charter School, located in the Austin neighborhood in the Far West Side of Chicago, utilizes a unique model that accommodates both the new charter school as well as a provider of after-school programs. Grades K-5 constitute the school’s enrollment, with each grade totaling 90 students.
The new building vividly signifies progress and innovation in the underserved neighborhood. More than 16,000 sq. ft. of PAC-CLAD 7/8” Corrugated panels finished in Charcoal dramatically clad the exterior of the 53,000 sq. ft. structure. Approximately one-third of the Corrugated panels are perforated and installed in front of supergraphic gray-scale images of studious children that clearly show through perforated metal panels. The perforations are 3/8-in. on 9/16-in. centers.
The supergraphic images of children were printed on an aluminum composite material. A 4-in. cavity between the ACM and the PAC-CLAD perforated panels creates an eye-catching visual effect.
Architectural design for the project was created by Team A in Chicago. “When you’re working with non-profits, every penny counts,” said Joe Buehler, Team A principal. “You try to get the most value from every component and material.”
This was Buehler’s first use of Petersen corrugated material. “We considered two other manufacturers but settled on Petersen due to the local contractor’s comfort and experience with Petersen’s PAC-CLAD products,” Buehler said. “The material is great—very cost effective.”
Installation of the corrugated panels was completed by WBR Roofing, Wauconda, Ill.
The corrugated panels were fabricated at Petersen’s headquarters in Elk Grove Village, Ill.
Moving Everest is a non-profit organization and has partnered with By The Hand Club For Kids, which owns the building, to offer after-school services and programs.