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Tapered Projects a SNAP with PAC SNAP-CLAD

Outstanding design flexibility and proven strength of the Petersen Aluminum Snap-Clad panel are just two factors contributing to the successful completion of Ware County High School Project, located in southeastern Georgia. Long-recognized as the ideal selection for standing seam metal roof applications due to its superior aesthetics and unmatched long-term performance, PAC also provides the ability to custom fabricate the panels for precise fit in conical roof sections.


PAC worked closely with roofing contractor Roofing Professionals Inc. (RPI), of Richmond Hill, GA, to ensure the custom-produced panels not only fit perfectly, but also minimized field-waste on the project. The project featured 2200 SF of tapered Snap Clad in 24 GA PAC-CLAD Kynar-coated Hartford Green for the conical areas, plus another 2000 SF of Snap-Clad panels for the straight areas.


But the challenges for the roofing installation didn’t end there. The project also consisted of several curved roof areas, which required the Petersen Tite-Loc, 90-degree mechanically seamed panel. Tite-Loc is the superior selection for curved applications that require a radius of a minimum of 20’, and in some cases, even less. (Contact your local PAC factory for specific curving capabilities in your area.) A slight curve to the main areas of the roof meant the panels would “lay down” in the field. But panels over the building’s canopy required onsite field curving, which again demanded considerable coordination between RPI, PAC distributor Commercial Roofing Specialties of Savannah, GA,  and the PAC staff at our Acworth, GA branch. The 16,500 SF of curved and straight Tite-Loc Panels were also produced in 24 GA steel in Hartford Green.


The Architect-of-Record for this Waycross, GA project was Doug Neal Architects of St. Simons Island, GA.
